Monday, December 12, 2016

Today I am announcing I am working on a computer game. I have yet to decide on a title for this game, so for the time being I'm giving it the working title of Project Escape.

What is Project Escape?

It will be an RPG (Role Playing Game) made in RPG Maker VX Ace. For the time being, it will only be available for Windows computers. This is subject to change based on if I switch what I am making the game with. I am not a game developer, quite honestly, I don't know what I'm doing here. We'll see where this goes, quite honestly! Make no mistake, I'm a total amateur. I've never made a game. I don't know how to code anything. This is the only tool I have and I am working completely alone for right now. I'd say I'm an adequate artist, but that's about it.

What is this going to be about?

Currently, my idea came about when I was thinking about two things: Depression and loss. Depression and loss. First off, it sucks being sad. No one wants to be sad. We should all be happy! That's a given. Second of all, loss. Everyone's lost someone they wish they could spend some more time with, or people they regret not spending more time with. So I was thinking, "How can I remember these people?" "What would be a way I could, in a way, speak to them, again?" "What if I made a world where some of them came back, and I gave them some things to say?" "Wouldn't that be nice?" That's not exactly the plot. I'm about to get into that. That's just the thought process that lead to me finally wanting to create something.

The game is currently planned to take place in a semi-fantasy pre-modern world (Think country-sides and low-tech). You will play a character whom has lived in this place for a long time. This will not be a grand adventure or some magical undertaking. Your goal is simply living, meeting people, and doing well to create a better place to live in. On your adventures you will make new friends, find people who already know you, as well as visit many locales and whatnot! One thing I want this game to be more than anything is extremely positive and suitable for all ages. No one dies. There's no terrible swearing. I'm still working out the kinks on the finer details of the story (if it's not obvious, I'm not that great of a writer, either!). But the basic gist is going to be one morning you recieve a letter about your Uncle, and this will eventually lead you on a journey around the world.

Currently, I have no art or real data produced for this, save for the working title logo and this blog. However, I have come up with some characters I want to tell you about!

So, tell me about those characters already!

Merry and Fredrick
An old married couple. Fredrick is a coin collector who is a veteran of an old war. He is very wise and will often be able to give you hints on where to go to find certain things. Since he is really into collecting coins, rumor has it that if you find a very special coin, he will give you his famous gun, the "Pop Rifle", a toy gun that attacks with a plastic ball on a string that goes "POP!".
Merry is his wife. She is a loving wise woman. She is often found working in the fields on her crops, or fishing. Not afraid to speak her mind, you better be careful around her! But she means well. Word is, if you give her a special coupon for something she desires, she may accompany on part of your journey.
The empty bedroom in their home also serves as a free inn when you're in their locale.
The two have family and pets which I will go into more detail at a later date.

The Jewelmother
A very old woman who lives alone. She's the matron of a large family. She's very mysterious. Word is, though, there's something you can do for her to get coveted "Ruby Jewel", which has some sort of magical fire properties.

The best friend of the main character. He is your first secondary party member. He is a quick to act, brash fellow, yet he has a heart of gold. In battles, each time an enemy attacks, he will take the first hit if he's in your party. Mathias works as a courier for the Uncle Walnut's Walnut Delivery service. He is actually the son of Fredrick and Merry. Traveling along with him is his trusty white wolf, Thunder. Mathias really loves collecting guns and horror stories. Something you may need to remember if you want to try and get one of the best items in the game!

Beckle and "The Doc"
Living in a fortress on a hill, Beckle lives with her husband whom people know only as "The Doc". Though seemingly imposing, Beckle is a very kind woman. Though never a mother herself, she often cares for many children. If you were to lose out completely (How that can happen is a mystery, for now!), you may wind up at her house bargaining for another chance. Don't worry, she always will help you out.
Her husband, "The Doc", is a man of mystery. You will learn more about him in the future!

Your father. He is an oafish, jolly fellow who can easily be bribed with cookies and snacks. Some think he's starting to lose his mind!

Your mother. She is a short tempered but introverted old lady. She is very loving but also quick to anger, maybe even when she shouldn't be. Remember, be nice to your parents!

Smokey Joe
A talking cat. Yes. A talking cat. He is a companion who will follow you through the whole game.

A friend from a far away land. Some say her beauty destroyed armies! Others say she probably just punched them to death. She likes punching. She is an activist and really smart. However, she has one weakness: Chocolate. She can't resist chocolate. If an enemy were to give her chocolate in battle... it may completely nullify her unless you give her her other favorite thing... which is puppies!

A mysterious, shadowdy figure who's identity is completely uknown. All we know is he POSSIBLY hails from a frozen land and does not desire any money at all. He seems afraid of birds.

Heathyr's brother. Sometimes, he seems mean, but secretly he just wants to get along with everyone. Some say his beard may actually be alive and have a mind of his own!

That's all for now!

I will be updating this as new things develop. I plan to work on an actual script and art before fully working on the game itself (Though, I will work on the core assets of the game while doing that). Here's hoping something good happens! I hope you all are feeling lovely!